Columbia Basin
Fertility Care Services
Take Charge of YOUR Fertility, Naturally
Monitor and Maintain your Reproductive and Gynecological Health!
Achieve/postpone pregnancy
Alternative to BCP
Treat infertility/Alternative to IVF
Treat: PCOS PMS Hormone inbalance
Abnormal bleeding
Repetitive miscarriage
Postpartum depression

FertilityCare Practitioner
Welcome to Columbia Basin FertilityCare™ Services!
This center provides professional services for individual client needs in the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare™ System and NaProTechnology. Here, teens, women and couples learn the Creighton Model System in order to chart their menstrual cycles for diagnosis and treatment of gynecologic disorders, as well as to achieve or postpone pregnancy (married and chaste marriage prep couples). The CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare™ System is the only system used with NaProTechnology, the new women's reproductive health science that corrects and heals many health problems experienced by women.
Learning the system consists of attending an Introductory Session and individualized follow-up sessions. To attend an Introductory Session or to schedule an individual session ( VIRTUAL), please . Follow-ups are scheduled based on time needs of clients during our daytime hours and selected evening hours. To adequately and confidently learn the system, the recommended follow-up schedule is five follow-ups during the first three months and three follow-ups over the next nine months.
Creighton Model System
The Creighton Model System has proven itself to be an excellent method of NFP, or Fertility Awareness, as well as having applications to women's health care. The System relies upon the observation of a natural sign, the discharge of cervical mucus, which is essential to human fertility. As ovulation approaches, this mucus discharge undergoes a progressive change, which can be easily observed and interpreted.

Featuring NaProTechnology
Real Solutions to Real Problems
Repetitive Miscarriage
Menstrual Cramps
Postpartum Depression
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Prematurity Prevention
Ovarian Cysts
Hormonal Abnormalities
Irregular or Abnormal Bleeding
Chronic Discharges
Polycystic Ovarian Disease
NaProTECHNOLOGY®, which stands for Natural Procreative Technology, is a reproductive science that takes a contemporary approach to women’s gynecological and procreative health. NaProTECHNOLOGY®, integrated with the use of the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System, is designed to monitor and maintain a woman’s reproductive system, help identify certain underlying problems, and aid in planning appropriate treatment. The Creighton Model teaches women how to observe and chart their fertility cycles in a precise and standardized way. The chart then provides medically significant biomarkers that can be interpreted by physicians who are specifically trained in NaProTECHNOLOGY®. After analyzing the chart, the NaProTECHNOLOGY® trained doctor will be able to conduct appropriately timed diagnostic tests and provide women with valuable healthcare information and treatment options that are not suppressive, but cooperative. The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System is the only family planning method that can be used in conjunction with NaProTECHNOLOGY® to assist with diagnosing and treating reproductive health problems.
If necessary, Columbia Basin FertilityCare™ Services can refer you to a FertilityCare™ Medical Consultant, a physician specially trained in NaProTECHNOLOGY®. At least least two months of charting with a Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System practitioner is required before scheduling a NaProTECHNOLOGY® consultation. A Medical Consultant will only be able to prescribe tests and make an accurate diagnosis after seeing your Creighton Model chart.

Dr. Joseph B. Stanford, MD
South Jordan Health Center
5126 W. Daybreak Parkway
South Jordan, UT 84009
PHONE: 801-213-4500
Licensed for telehealth in the following states: WA, UT, ID, WY, and NC
Joseph B. Stanford, MD, MSPH, CFCMC, is Professor, Vice Chair for Research, and Director of the Office of Cooperative Reproductive Health, Division of Public Health, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of Utah School of Medicine. He is Adjunct Professor in the Departments of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics.His clinical and research interests include reproductive epidemiology, restorative reproductive medicine, fertility awareness, women's health, and the periconceptual and prenatal origins of health and disease. Has has served on national scientific advisory committees for the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and the the Advisory Committee for Reproductive Health Drugs for the Food and Drug Administration. He serves as a board member for the International Insuitute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine.

Ashley Jensen, CNM
South Jordan Health Center
5126 W. Daybreak Parkway
South Jordan, UT 84009
PHONE: 801-213-4500
Licensed for telehealth in the following states: WA, UT, ID, WY, and NC
Ashley J. Jensen, CNM, CrMSNM, focuses her practice on restorative reproductive medicine (Natural Procreative Technology) for infertility, miscarriage, and treating women’s health conditions without using artificial hormones. She also has particular interests in polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome, natural family planning, and menopause. She received her certified nurse-midwife degree from Bethel University in Minnesota. In addition, she is a FertilityCare Practioner for the Creighton Model System and a Creighton Model System nurse-midwife through the American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals. In her free time, she likes decorating cupcakes, crafts, games, and being with her family.

Dr. Kristina Pakiz, MD
Vivify Women's Health and Fertility
10506 Burt Circle
Omaha, NE 68114
Call: 402.203.8000 (9am-5pm CST)
In-Network Carriers:
Aetna, Amerigroup, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Corvel, ELAP Services, Great Plains, Humana, Iowa Total Care (Centene), Medica, Midlands Choice, Nebraska Total Care (Centene), OHARA, PHCS/Multiplan, Tricare, United Healthcare, Nebraska Medicaid, Wellcare
Licensed States for Telehealth:
Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming
All In-Person Appointments and Surgeries are performed solely in Nebraska.
Hello! I am Dr. Kristina Pakiz. I am privileged to have front-row seats into the lives of women and couples. As their stories unravel, the common thread is feeling unheard and dismissed. This propels them to search for a physician who thinks outside the box and our paths converge. Using the unique gifts I have been given, I am able to help women get their lives back and couples achieve their goal of becoming parents. Witnessing the profound transformation from pain to fullness of life confirms my purpose. I was created to be an instrument of healing.
I am a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist who specializes in a women’s health science called Natural Procreative Technology (NaProTechnology). I discovered this nuanced approach while working as a research assistant for Dr. Thomas W. Hilgers at the St. Paul VI Institute. I have had the invaluable experience of being mentored by Dr. Hilgers while spending over 13 years of my medical career serving patients at the St. Paul VI Institute.

Megan Kreft, PA-C
Physician Assistant, NaProTECHNOLOGY Medical Consultant, Creighton Model FertilityCare System Practitioner
To schedule, visit: https://mycatholicdoctor.com/make-appointment/megan-kreft-pa-c/
Licensed in Oregon, Washington, Montana, North Carolina, Connecticut
In-Network CarriersAetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, United Healthcare
Now In-Network with Montana Medicaid
Accepts Christian Brothers Services Insurance PlanTricare Select: For patients with Tricare East, located in CT or NC onlyBlue Cross Blue Shield Networks Include: Participating, Preferred, Individual and Family Network, Blue Advantage HMO, and MedAdvantage PPO, Regence Blue Cross Blue ShieldUnited Healthcare Networks Include: PPO, Choice (EPO, HMO, Plus HMO, PLUS POS), Surest Plan, NexusACo (OAP, RP,NR, NRB, OAP, OA, RB, R, NRP), Select (HMO, Plus), Core (Choice Plus POS, HMO,EPO), Doctors Plan (EPO, Plus HMO, Plus POS), Select (EPO, Plus POS), Navigate & Navigate Plus, Charter (HMO, POS, EPO), Medicare Advantage
Accepts those who are insured with:Christian Brothers Ministry Services PlanMedi-ShareDiocese of Saint Petersburg, FloridaChristendom College
Megan is a Physician Assistant who has a background in Family Medicine. She decided to become a healthcare provider because she wanted to serve her community and partner with patients to improve their health and well-being. She values the relational aspect of medicine and finds taking the time to listen to patients and learn their stories, a component of primary care that she loves.
Megan is a NaProTechnology Medical Consultant and Creighton Model System FertilityCare Practitioner having received her training through the Saint Paul VI Institute. She has a passion for providing life-affirming women’s health care. She is honored to serve her patients and accompany them on their journey toward greater health and healing. Megan also has a passion for Catholic bioethics and enjoys speaking about how to approach common ethical issues in healthcare through the lens of faith.
Megan attended the University of Portland Honors Program and completed her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with minors in Neuroscience and Music. She received a Master in Physician Assistant Studies from Oregon Health and Science University.